兔腰盐盐(Saltimbocca di Coniglio)

来自动物中不同肌肉团体的肉类需要不同的烹饪,使它们闪耀。例如,在快速灼烧和一些休息后,Ribeye牛排最好是稀有的稀有,而胸肉需要煮熟,并且变得柔软,令人沮丧和美味。像鸡和兔子这样的较小的动物通常煮熟,无视从单独的部分准备牛肉中获得的智慧。Part of the reason for this may be that a chicken fits easier into most pans and ovens than a whole cow does A more economical reason is that if you judge by effort per pound of meat, a relatively big effort is needed to separate the different muscle groups of a small animal. Even so, it is worth doing so to get the best results. This is also true for rabbit. Rabbit loins are the ‘rib eye’ of the rabbit, they are very tender and require very little cooking. The legs and other parts however need to be braised or stewed. Even so, rabbit is often cooked whole with the loin dried out.


在买兔子的同一天,我还买了一些非常好的意大利熏火腿。由于我的花园里还长着新鲜的鼠尾草,我决定把那些兔腰变成兔肉saltimboccaSaltimbocca罗马的一道名菜是用小牛肉做的吗与prosciutto和sage。它是如此美味,被称为“跳入嘴”(盐=跳,Bocca =嘴)。I prefer to have a rabbit jumping in the direction of my mouth rather than a calf But seriously, this rabbit saltimbocca was absolutely delicious. The meat is super tender and succulent, and pairs very well with the prosciutto and sage. Compared to the veal version, it is a bit lighter and softer in style.

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芥末酱兔肉(Lapin à la Dijonnaise)


继续阅读芥末酱兔肉(Lapin à la Dijonnaise)


我真的很喜欢Bussia的兔子的新鲜标签,所以我决定制作类似的菜肴。Tajarin Al Sugo di Coniglio是来自Piemonte地区的菜肴,其中狭窄的Tagliatelle(Taglierini)被称为当地方言中的Tajarin。它真的带来了兔子的微妙风味,它与精致意大利面相对。我决定通过使用兔子股票而不是鸡汤来增强兔子味道。4份的成分1公斤(2.2磅)兔腿1小洋葱,切碎1胡萝卜,碎1个芹菜茎,切碎1玻璃(100毫升)......继续阅读鲜兔肉意大利面

兔子西红柿Sous Vide

兔肉通常是干的,有时还很硬。用真空烹饪法烹饪兔子,肉会非常柔软湿润。为了能够用真空法烹饪番茄酱兔肉,我用了一个小技巧,在把酱汁密封到袋子里之前先把它冷冻起来,以防止酱汁被真空封口机吸出来。我选择用新鲜的而不是罐装的番茄来保存兔肉的美味。罐装西红柿太浓了。这道菜简单、美味、健康(高蛋白低脂肪)。配料2份2只兔腿…继续阅读兔子西红柿Sous Vide