
我的老读者可能已经注意到我已经好几天没有发帖子了。那是因为我去了意大利,拜访朋友,在康博餐厅吃饭。9月,我们在康巴尔吃饭。零in Rivoli (close to Turin, Italy) for the first time and were totally impressed with the food. So much, that we wanted to go back there again soon. And so we did. Combal.Zero has two Michelin stars (I can only guess why there aren’t three), ‘tre forchette’ (3 forks) from Gambero Rosso (the highest rating from this leading Italian guide) and ranks 59 in the …继续阅读在意大利用餐:康巴尔。零

意大利美食:La Torre del Saracino

在我们第一次约会的12周年纪念日,我去了那不勒斯附近Vico Equense的La Torre del Saracino,让基斯大吃一惊。我们之前去过那里两次(2008年和2010年),但这是我们第一次从家里直接去那里,没有去其他地方。大厨詹纳罗·埃斯波西托(Gennaro Esposito)的La Torre del Saracino拥有两颗米其林星(值得绕道一圈),但根据我们的说法,应该是三颗星(值得一趟旅程)。La Torre有两份随季节变化的品尝菜单(Proposta di Ciro的6道菜和Proposta di Salvatore的8道菜),……继续阅读意大利美食:La Torre del Saracino