
我就是这样开始接触辣椒的接受理查德的包.比起那些我从未听说过的不同种类的干辣椒,这三罐辣椒似乎没那么吓人。我在理查德的博客上浏览了很多辣椒食谱REMCooks.com寻找灵感。It wasn’t needed to search or filter on the blog, because there are chiles everywhere And so I made up this dish, to get to know the heat and flavor of the first three items in the package. It turned out great, I absolutely loved it. The ancho chile rub is not very hot but does impart a lot of flavor and it pairs really well with tuna. The墨西哥胡椒en escabeche配西葫芦很不错,辣酱配腌墨西哥辣酱也很不错。对于第一次实验来说还不错。这给了我继续做其他事情的勇气。我强烈推荐Richard的这三种调味品食谱(链接如下)。以下是我所做的……继续阅读“Ancho智利脆皮金枪鱼,腌辣椒番茄莎莎酱,腌西葫芦Jalapeños”